a blog from a very lazy person who dislike writing the most...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

MPO : tribute to the BEATLES

ok, i admit.. i have this new addiction, which is going to the Orchestra.. thanks to Nabilah, who introduced me to this expensive hobby.. hahaha, well, i'm glad actually.. it worth all money that i spent..

last night was the 3rd times i went to orchestra.. so in total, i had watched 3 orchestra, n 1 musical theatre.. hahaha.. n you should imagine how much money i spent for those.. but thanks to the magical card call Matrix Card, i got discount prize.. like yesterday, i got a seat which normally prize at RM120 for only RM30 !

ok, to tell you the story about yesterday, we (Nabilah, Anisa, Nezi n I) went to watch Tribute to the Beatles at MPO, conduct by an amazing conductor name Mark Fitz-Gerald.. he was amazing, n nice too.. even after the orchestra finished, as he heard people asking for more, he conducted more.. so, i got to hear 3 extra songs from him.. hehehe.. during the performance, we sang along, danced along, whistled along, clapped along, etc.. my fav piece, of course 'Hey Jude', 'Yesterday', n "the Yellow Submarine'.. it was fun! the orchestra last for 2 whole hours! which is long actually to compare to previous orchestra that I went, titled 'Little Red Riding Hood' which was last for only 1 hour, and it was not enough as i paid RM40, the second cheapest prize (i cannot used student card that time since it targeted young children, so no discount)..

in the hall, mainly old timers were there, including Mr A Samad Said n his wife.. only a few younger generation like us were watching the pieces.. maybe because it clashed with Girls Generation (SNSD) performance which was just outside the hall.. during the interval, i went n watched the concert, n there were lots of humans!! eventhough it was tempting to go there, as i love Taeyeon of SNSD, i felt proud that i was on the hall side, compared to the concert side.. it felt like 'i am more mature, that's why i choose to watch orchestra than some K-Pop stuffs'.. haha

overall, the orchestra is really superb! it made me forgot all my worries, my recent problems, n my toothache.. you should see our outfit that night.. Nezi wore some retro stuffs made me kept thinking of her as Nancy Drew, i wore things that I normally wont, Nabilah with her west/cowboy style, n Anisa with her bright orange dress.. (all of us trying to be as retro as we can be)

p/s: cant wait to see more.. next two weeks got Orchestra for Oscar n next month got another children targeted orchestra.. hmm, will i go? maybe i will~ XD

Friday, March 23, 2012


sekolah ak, walaupun xbeberapa femes time ak belajar kat situ, SMKA Al-Irshad telah mendapat keputusan yang sangat memberangsangkan dalam SPM 2011.. 25 orang straight A's n sorang straight A+!! bangga tak? hahaha! ak pon xdapat straight A dulu.. huhu...ranking 3rd in whole Penang.. first ranking, tak lain tak bukan, Jit Sin la.. tak terkejut pon.. tapi second dalam ranking, Sekolah Sains Kepala Batas.. sekolah baru.. time ak belajar dulu, xda lagi sekolah ni.. ntah camna dia potong sekolah ak, sebab kalo tak salah ak, ranking last year, sekolah ak 2nd in ranking.. ni berdasarkan apa yang ayah ak cakap la.. ayah ak cikgu jugak.. (can't wait for next year.. time tu, adik ak plak amik periksa SPM..)

tapi yang tak best nya, bila orang dapat result gempak2 ni, cikgu-cikgu mula la tanya, "tak mau pi oversea ka?"

well, dulu time ak dapat result pon aku pikir camtu gak.. alang2 dapat elok, baik pergi oversea.. tapi ayah ak cakap, "ala, bunyi ja oversea, tapi kita tak tau dapat universiti mana.. entah-entah universiti yang kita pi tu sebenaqnya universiti besa-besa ja, bukan yang hebat sekali kat sana pon.. universiti kat malaysia ni lagi baik dari depa," tu la yang ayah ak cakap..

sebenarnya, ak pon tak pernah membayangkan ak ambik Medic, kat UM plak tu.. cita2 ak sebelum ni nak jadi engineer, n ak paling benci profession doktor ni.. bagi ak doktor ni poyo, tak mesra ngan pesakit, nak cari duit ja.. then, after trial SPM, ak dapat straight A's, 13A kot time tu.. tapi trial je la, n Petronas panggil ak wat interview untuk petroleum engineering. time tu la ak jumpa Eda.. hahaha! interview sampai 3 hari! n last day tu, ak pon pergi la interview ngan pakai tudung labuh lagi tu.. maybe sebab tu, diorang rasa ak tak sesuai kot.. so ak x dapat la (alasan giler!! haha!!) tapi tak frust pon. ak pon taknak Uni Petronas time tu.. sebab jauh dari rumah, n xdekat dengan bandar.. tapi dekat dengan rumah datuk ak.. hehe

pastu time exam SPM betul2, overconfident sangat2.. well, kan selalunya trial lagi susah dari SPM betul2.. so, ak pon relaks je la.. ak ni memang malas study pon. tup tup, ak dapat 9A1 1A2 3B3.. 3B3!!! subjek Bahasa Arab Tinggi, Biologi, n EST.. shoot!! EST selalu dapat high mark kot! Bio memang xleh cakap la.. ak paling benci subjek tu.. tapi at least, bagi la BAT ak A2 ke... pastu, apply JPA oversea, Mechanical Engineering kat Jepun..

ak ni tak la kaya.. internet pon xdak kat umah.. so, time tu, ak dapat tau ak dapat interview JPA masa time ak graduasi.. sebab takda internet kat umah, xleh cek.. kiranya nama ak terlepas la.. tapi ak pergi sana, tanya, then dia bagi ak interview.. n JPA ni pelik sikit.. dia kalo nak interview, budak Melayu, Melayu je semua.. non-Malay plak nanti dia gabung ngan non-Malay.. n luckily for me, time ak pergi tu, tetiba semua budak non-Malay.. cuma ak je la yang MALAY nya.. ak cam tak kesah, tapi bebudak non-Malay tu pulak yang pelik ak ad kat situ.. ngan kasut tinggi nya (nak formal la katakan) ak pon pergi la.. tup tup, aku dapat! dia siap call masa ak tengah shopping kat supermarket time bayar parking kereta lagi.. haha! time tu happy la, ingat dapat pegi Jepun, tetiba ayah aku kata, jangan.. duduk sini sudah.. reason, sebab ak perempuan.... n makcik2 ak yang mcam dengki tu pun kata, jangan, sebab,, susah n ak takkan mampu nak hadapi nanti..

so, masa ak kat PASUM tu perit gak la.. especially bila ko tengok budak2 RPKJ yang poyo bila time ak nak ke kelas ak.. well, PASUM sebelah RPKJ je kot.. kawan ak ad sorang kat RPKJ.. dia x poyo la.. haha! ak masuk PASUM ngan 3 lagi budak sekolah ak.. Aliyah, n budak kembar; Hazman Hazwan.. kawan2 ak yang ak rapat yang lain, semua pegi oversea.. UK la, US la, Jordan la, Mesir la, Australia la, etc... so time tu rasa malu jugak la... tapi zaman PASUM paling best bagi ak...

pastu, dapat result, ak mintak Medik UM.. ayah ak target ak jadi cikgu ke, nurse ke... sebab keje2 tu surely dapat keje, n sesuai untuk orang pompuan.. tapi ak mintak, both tak dapat, siap nama ak hilang dari permohonan plak tu, pelik2... after PASUM banyak la jugak tawaran masuk, yang local ada, oversea pon ada.. tapi time tu ak rasa, dah alang2 ak tolak yang oversea dulu, buat apa aku nak pergi oversea sekarang, baik ak pergi time dulu je.. so, ak nak stay local, n ak nak UM, sebab ak dah jatuh cinta ngan Mid Valley.. time PASUM, every week, ak mesti pergi Mid n tengok wayang.. tak pernah miss.. teruk giler! ak mintak Medik pon disebabkan same reason.. dah dulu ak tolak engineering, baik ak amik benda lain.. (cita2 ak time PASUM nak jadi Hematologist, walaupun ak taktau apa menatang tu Hematologist).. so, amik la Medik.. 2nd reason, sebab ak tak mau kena banding ngan cousin ak dah.. he is a genius, n always be.. he was the best student at MCKK, got good result, went oversea to further his study on Chem Engine, n kesimpulannya, dia cucu kesayangan datuk ak la.. so, sebab asyik kena banding, ak rasa cam bodoh je selalu, so, ak amik Medik.. then, they won't compare us anymore...

then, i got UM Medic.. n now i am... in hell~ :p

Thursday, March 22, 2012

games n addiction

because i'm stress due to my hectic schedule these 3 weeks, i decided today i dont want to study, but playing games that i love.. talking about games, here are the games that i played n will always played..

1) Nancy Drew, from HerInteractive
it is a PC tactic game, and i've played it since i'm a teenager..

Nancy Drew Adventure

Nancy Drew Dossier - doesn't consumed lots of memory, graphic not as better at Nancy Drew Adventure, but the puzzles were great as well as the storyline 

2) Ace Attorney Series
it is an NDS game series, brought by CAPCOM, which is also a tactic game, whereby u'll be a defense attorney and find clues, hints, etc to help u defense your clients.. i got 5 of them..
  • Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney (2005 NDS)
  • Phoenix Wright; Ace Attorney - Justice for All (2006 NDS)
  • Phoenix Wright; Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulation (2007 NDS)
  • Ace Attorney - Apollo Justice (2008 NDS)- you'll become Apollo instead of Phoenix Wright
  • Ace Attorney; Miles Edgeworth - Investigation (2010 NDS) - i think this is the only one where you become Miles Edgeworth instead of Phoenix Wright
  • there should be another one coming out, but i'm not sure when
3) Final Fantasy Tactic
a great game, for great people.. hahaha! my beloved tactic game.. i start playing a series at my PS 1 before, but the CD jammed in the middle... but then, they released it in PSP version, thus i started back n continue playing in it PSP currently. there are also lots of races here (except in FF Tactic where only Hume exist, n plus Chocobo). you can have Humes, Nu Mou, Bangaa, Moogle, Viera, Seeq, and Gria.. (the last 3 are my fav.. hehe)
  • Final Fantasy Tactics (PS 1, n now i played it in PSP) - the hardest FF Tactics from the 3, it is very difficult sometime frustrating
  • Final Fantasy Tactic Advance (GBA) - finished, but the Law System is annoying
  • Final Fantasy Tactic A2; Grimoire of the Rift (NDS) - nearly finished! better than FFT Advance since there's a lot of jobs u can be (Job System), and variety of roles u can get.. besides, the Law System is not as annoying as FFT Advance, upgraded already
4) the Pokemon Series - no need to say much about this games though, everyone knows about them
5) Racing games - yes, i'm addicted to racing games, esp when i'm at home where there are PS 1 n PS 2 begging me to harass them.. but me wanted PS 3.. uhuhuhu
6) SimCity - love it!!!!
7) the Sims - sometimes i wonder, why on earth i played this stupid game.. everytime i played it, i kept thinking, "what a lonely person i am, that i need to socialize in games," (tetiba rasa macam diri ni otaku pulak, hahaha)
8) others weird, simple games like the infamous AngryBirds, Plants VS Zombies, Medabots, game cari2 barang, etc...

p/s : I used to play Final Fantasy a lot like FF I, II, III, VII, VIII, IX; but nowadays, i hate the Final Fantasy games since they are not like before.. no more tactics, but mainly just direct fightings, etc.. ahh, miss the old days...

my wish list :
- Corpse Bride (my bro ady finished it, not fair!) - scary, R-17 due to violence
- Jeanne d'Arc (PSP)
- Disgaea
- Tactic Ogre - yeah!! I want this!!!!

from the list you already can guess types of games i like isn't it? hahaha!! RPG/Tactic is my FAV!